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    This opening theme never fails to bring that tingly chill down my spine every time I play it. The Original Uncanny X-Men series is a timeless classic - one of the best-loved bad-ass cartoons of the 90’s that sadly kids of today won't be able to fully appreciate, as more commercialized programs and other garbage are being fed to them everyday.

    The story revolves around a world where some humans have evolved into beings with special powers called mutants, and the mutant team called the X-Men have been created to prove to the world that humans and mutants can live together in peace. Who would forget famous X-Men characters such as the laser-eyed Cyclops, the grumpy weapon-X survivor Wolverine, the weather witch Storm, and of course, the ever-beloved telepathic adviser and founder of the X-Men, Professor Charles Xavier (better known as Professor X).

    This series brings back so much childhood memories. When I was young and puberty has yet to defile my innocence, I have been an avid fan of the X-Men series. I 'd try my best to watch all episodes, and pained me to miss even a single one. I would actually fight my head off against my father who tries to change the channel everytime it was X-Men's air time. Hell, I even memorized all X-Men characters, their special powers, their history, and all those other geeky freaky stuff. To this childhood addiction, I also began to collect X-men collectible cards, showing-off my rare ones, and even cry like an elephant because my neighbor had a rarer card that I didn't have.

    When I began to grow old, my childhood heart also began to fade out of the picture. My parents advised me to slowly act mature and forget being a kid. The people around me influenced me so much about what to do and how to act so that I may be 'maturely acceptable'. That was the beginning of my adulthood - a world where what others think about you is more important than what you think about yourself.

    Then one fateful day, a colleague of mine at work began to talk about Marvel heroes, comics, and the X-men series. Unknowingly, he woke up something sleeping inside me - the eagerness to talk about a childhood fancy which I thought I have already lost. He was enthusiastically talking about his vast Marvel heroes action figure collection, about his Iron Man costume he personally designed himself from scrap materials, and about his superhero movie collection. He is proud to be young at heart and loving his passion even at his age.

    I envy him. I can't even remember where I have stashed my favorite X-men collectible cards. I told my friend I was also an avid X-men fan, and we talked like nobody else existed. Like we care if our other colleagues think we were talking German! He then lent me his X-Men Complete Series DVD, which made my eyes frantically glow like a child. I was also given the opportunity to visit his place and 'play' with some of his action figures (sadly the others were off-limits due to value, sigh..) and even try out his Iron Man costume!

    I have found my childhood back!

    People think the road to adulthood is a road where your childhood has no room. This is why most adults are not happy about their lives, as they have willingly forgotten how it was to be innocent, careless, worry-less, but happy.

    It is okay to grow up, but never forget how it was to be an innocent child. An adult only differs from a child from his uncontrollable tendency to complicate things.

    I will be watching the DVD my friend gave me. Maybe then, I might remember where I have hidden my cards. Only 90’s kids can really consider this series a one-of-a-kind gem of their childhood. And I am proud to have been a 90’s kid!

    In my heart, I still am..

    Source URL: https://jameellamellannyes.blogspot.com/2010/04/uncanny-x-men-and-kid-of-90-story.html
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