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    [Part 1 here..]

    Auditions week came.  Flyers were posted everywhere.

    And there it was  -- a small table near the side of the main lobby.  The dancers were manning it. They were already handing out registration forms.

    I became more anxious and excited, yet at the same time afraid and shy.  It's still not too late to back out, I said to myself.

    My friend was nowhere to be found.  We have promised each other to sign-up together.  And he was the one who initiated the 'dare', anyway.

    OK, this is now or never.  Now who to approach?

    This small guy was, albeit a good breakdancer as what I have seen, looks intimidating.  The other one's like him, too -- a good breakdancer and looks intimidating as well.  They would pass as twins, LOL.

    The next guy was just laughing, lax, exudes too much confidence.  I didn't actually recognize him as a member, though [The 'twins' were more popular].  OK this one intimidates me as well.

    Then there was this cute, bubbly female.  I recognized her as a friend's girl, so she was the most probable pick to approach on that table.

    I then approached, and with all the courage I could muster, I uttered shyly: "Excuse me, unsaon pag audition? [How do I audition?]".

    Luckily she remembers me, hands me a form, smiles, and says: "Hello! Fill-upa ni siya dayon ibalik namo [Fill-up this form and hand it back to us].  We'll contact you for more details."

    "Can I ask for two forms, please?".  That sneaky friend of mine is not going to get away with this.

    Walking away with the two forms in hand, I sought to find my would-be audition partner.

    "There you are!", I exclaimed, then handed him one of the forms.  His face was blank as paper.

    "Why am I going to sign up?", he asked.

    "Because we both dared to audition this semester, remember?"

    "No! I don't remember agreeing with you on this!".  Good grief. He's having selective amnesia.

    "Then you lost the dare.  I win and you are to have your consequence."

    "No I did not agree on any consequence.  I don't remember anything.  I am not going to put up in any of this".

    "What the.. Are you kidding me?".  I argued with him big time.  I wanted him to remember our deal.  I wanted to jog his memory.  If I had a knife, I would have stuck it into his brain so he might remember.

    He never gave in.  Where's that knife when you needed one?

    I was mad and furious at him (well who wouldn't, the nerve!).  But I didn't show him my disappointment.  I came to a conclusion that there's no point in arguing with him.  That chicken.

    "OK, that's it, I will audition even without you."

    Me and my big pride of a mouth got out.  There's was no backing out now.  I am on my own.

    First thing to do -- fill out the audition form:

    Name, age, course, department, yada yada..

    DANCE FORTE: I placed hip-hop.  That's the nearest thing I could move my legs with.  I could have ticked others box and wrote freestyle, but I think that would be questionable.

    SKILLS:  Zero.  As far as I love to tick every single one of them, honestly I don't really know how.  They might ask for a demo.

    VICES: I am a good boy at this one. Drinking. Nothing else.

    DANCE EXPERIENCE:  The only thing I wrote was this:  participated during dance performances in class gettogethers and christmas parties.  Lame. lame, lame, I know.  But I had to write something.  And I think lying would be a bad idea.

    After the terrible experience of completing the form, I decided to go on with it and hand it back.  They took the form, and told me I would just be contacted for audition practice.  That's if they would be impressed with my lame dance experience.

    Okay I'm officially doomed. 


    Source URL: https://jameellamellannyes.blogspot.com/2011/06/geek-who-tried-to-dance-part-2.html
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